Why You Need Foam Inserts for Your Oculus Rift VR System Sooner
From $500 or thereabout, you can purchase a brand new Oculus Rift VR System, a gadget respected for its wide array of entertainment options, including movies and virtual reality gaming experience that covers a variety of genres - sci-fi, puzzles, action RPGs and more. As for the makers, we give them a tap on the back for delivering an immersive virtual reality world on a reasonably sized device. Although not the all-encompassing, reigning supremo of the VR world, it delivers in an amazing style.
Oculus Rift began with a shaky prospect. In fact, some even doubted its eventual implementation, especially because of some of the innovative features flaunted about it before its arrival. However, after it hit the market and secured a few tweaks from Oculus VR geniuses, Rift has delivered technologically, providing low-latency and precise constellation tracking capability that accords an intoxicating sense that creates and illusion of physical presence.
If you don't already know, Oculus Rift VR System was designed in such a way that it provides for customizability, comfort, adaptability and beauty, all aimed at giving the user an immersive and memorable experience that comes anew every time. Fittingly, Oculus Rift VR System starts you off by offering several amazing starter experiences that, no doubt, will have every user completely engrossed. With Lucky’s Tale in the mix, as well as the option to introduce new experiences, the world of entertainment definitely has something to brag about in this invention.
How about operating the gadget?
Operating the Rift is as easy as 1,2,3, more so because of the addition of the Touch controllers, which, according to the makers, “you already know how to use before you even lay your hand on it.” Why would they say that? Well, it’s because the Touch’s intuitive actions are so natural you don’t need a lesson to get started; it’s more like using your hands.
After all is said and done, we’ve got to touch on one issue that’s getting some Oculus Rift VR System users agitated. And that’s safety concerns during transportation or simple storage.
Here is why: To deliver the best experience to users, the physical design of the Rift had to be somewhat complex. Yes, they used complexity to deliver simplicity. Then you have the Oculus Rift Facial Interface and Touch controllers that make keeping the VR system even more taxing. If you would like to use your device longer and maintain its aesthetics, you have no option but to get good quality case and Oculus Rift foam insert.
Don’t get restless though! Cobra Foam Inserts is well aware of this need and has been supplying Oculus Rift Virtual Reality System users with custom foam inserts that suit their gadgets in shape, size and quality. With the high level of expertise and precision required to design and cut foam inserts, Cobra Foam Inserts isn’t leaving anything to chance. That’s why they employ latest technology and experienced professionals to get the job done.
In addition, quality of material can’t be overlooked. Cobra Foam Inserts knows this and are, therefore, offering top-notch quality foams for the lead, trays and base, all provided in thickness that’s capable of protecting the device from an extra level of shock. The company provides Oculus Rift Foam Inserts that fit snugly into Pelican Case 1550 and SKB 1914. What that means is that by working with Cobra Foam Inserts, you get high quality foam insert, cosily fitted in one of the world’s top-rated cases.
All you got to do to secure this precious gift – Oculus Rift VR foam insert – for your VR is dial Cobra Foam Inserts at 323-230-5021 or send an email to Info@cobrafoaminserts.com. Should you be interested in chatting with one of their experts, take advantage of their website chat functionality.
Check our Oculus cases and foam inserts here.
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